- Centos intalltion with minimum option
- #yum -y update
- Check centos installtion for selinux setting #cat /etc/redhat-release;sestatus;hostname;hostname -I
- we have to set selinux status become disable by edit the selinux config file #vi /etc/selinux/config change config file "SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=disabled" then reboot
- yum -y install epel-release python-imaging python-setuptools python-simplejson MySQL-python mariadb mariadb-server nginx wget
- Download seafile server setup file from seafile-server-6.2.3-64bit #wget https://download.seadrive.org/seafile-server_6.2.3_x86-64.tar.gz
- #mkdir -p /var/www/seafile
- #mv seafile-server_6.2.3_x86-64.tar.gz /var/www/seafile
- #cd /var/www/seafile
- #tar -xzvf seafile-server_6.2.3_x86-64.tar.gz
- #mv seafile-server_6.2.3 /seafile-server
- #systemctl start mariadb
- #systemctl enable mariadb
- #mysql_secure_installation
- #./setup-seafile-mysql.sh
For compleete documentation please follow this link
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